Supporting your community through YWCA
See how you can get involved at YWCA of Northwest Ohio.
Learn more about our Capital Campaign and why we need your support.
Making a Difference
When you make a gift to the YWCA, you help the entire community to thrive. Your gift can provide breast health education and support for the uninsured and underinsured. You help provide violence response services for those experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault. You support teen pregnancy education programming and childcare quality assurance. You support the YWCA’s efforts to address issues of systematically affecting our community.
Your gift to the YWCA can make a difference, offering a hand up, not a handout.
Other Ways to Give ↘
Matching Gift Opportunities
Check with your place of work to see if a matching gift program is in place.
In-Kind Donations; Clothing
We accept new and gently used clothing, new or gently accessories, and new toiletries.
In-Kind Donations; DV Shelter
YWCA's Domestic Violence Shelter is always in need of food and hygiene products.
Partners & Sponsors
YWCA Northwest Ohio’s Corporate Partner Packages offer a variety of options designed to provide both brand marketing value and meaningful impact.
Online Giving
You can use our online donation form to give in a number of ways in addition to the standard one-time credit card gift.
Recurring Gifts
Setting up recurring donations on a monthly basis helps guarantee that those we serve receive the appropriate care and support every day. It allows you to easily spread your support throughout the year and provide us with sustainability. Donate monthly by selecting “automatically repeat the gift every month” while donating online
Volunteer at YWCA Northwest Ohio
Volunteers are critical to helping us achieve our mission and volunteering is a great way to give back to the community while forming new bonds. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities including assisting with special events, location beautification, trained dialogue to change facilitators, dedicated sexual assault crisis advocates, and more. No matter where you volunteer, your talents will make a difference.
Interested in learning more? Contact to get more information. We would love your help supporting those we serve.
Ways to Volunteer
Domestic Violence Support
We are not accepting DVS volunteers at this time due to upcoming renovations.
Grounds Clean-up & Beautification
Help to create a more beautiful space for residents. May include yard work, painting, or cleaning.
Sexual Assault Survivor Support
Volunteers respond to hotline calls and provide advocacy for survivors of sexual assault.
Workshop Facilitators
Coming soon, we will need facilitators for Workshops to help lead and discuss.
Make a Donation
Ways to Donate to YWCA Northwest Ohio
Donate Online
From our web site, you can make your gift securely online. Several options are available:
• Make a one-time gift.
• Make a pledge with convenient monthly payments.
• Make a gift in honor of or in memory of someone special.
Planned Giving
Choose from many giving options, including naming the YWCA of Northwest Ohio as a beneficiary in your will and more complex trust arrangements that provide life-long income. Help us secure the future!
If you have questions about any of our giving programs, please contact the Development Director at 419-241-3235.