Collaborator Registration2025 BOSS CHILDCARE BUSINESS SUCCESS SUMMIT Company / Organization Name (as it should appear in print) * Street (Mailing) Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Contact Name (for follow up & registration details) * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### I/We would like to reserve the following booth space for the 2025 BOSS SUMMIT: * Collaborator Table (FREE) - includes company table, and listing in the program COLLABORATOR BOOTH OPTIONS * I would like to send a collaborator to one day of the event I would like to send a collaborator to both days of the event My table needs to be positioned next to an electrical outlet I would like to order lunch for my representative(s) ($25 fee) Lunch Option I would like to order lunch for my representative(s) ($25 per day) Friday March 14th Saturday March 15th Both Friday and Saturday Representative #1 Name First Name Last Name Email Phone (###) ### #### Representative #2 Name First Name Last Name Email Phone (###) ### #### Thank you for completing Phase 1 of registration for BOSS Childcare Business Success Summit!You will receive an invoice via email once you complete Phase 2 with billing information. We will keep you up-to-date with additional details as we get closer to the event!IF PURCHASING LUNCH:COMPLETE PHASE 2: BILLING INFORMATIONCompleted Form, Payment, & Logo in full color and white (PDF/JPEG/PNG) must be submitted by February 14th, 2025.Logos can be submitted to Dropbox through the link provided via email. Please title your logo file as: OrganizationName_logoQuestions? Contact us at fe